Agile Testing book club: Let them feel pain
This is the second part is a series of exercises where I highlight one detail from a chapter or two of Agile Testing by Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin. Part one of the series can be found here. This installment comes from Chapter 3. Let them feel pain This chapter is largely about making the transition… Read more
Testing like you’re laughing
I was in a brainstorming meeting recently. The woman running the meeting started setting up an activity by dividing in the board into several sections. In one, she wrote “Lessons Learned” and in a second she wrote “Problem Areas”. The idea was that we’d each come up with a few ideas to put into each category and then discuss. I immediately asked, “What if one of the lessons I learned is that we have a problem area?”
The Greg Score: 12 Steps to Better Testing
Ok, I’ll admit right off the bat that this post is not going to give you 12 steps to better testing on a silver platter, but bear with me. A while back, I was trying to figure out a way for agile teams without a dedicated tester or QA expert on their team to recognize… Read more
Agile Testing book club: Everyone is a Tester
If you’ve even dipped your toe into the online testing community, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard Agile Testing by Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin as a recommended read. A couple weeks ago I got my hands on a copy and thought it would be a useful exercise to record the highlights of what… Read more