Showcasing failure (and what Claire Saffitz taught me about testing)
What if we had a YouTube series of someone trying to create “gourmet” versions of ideal automated test suites that are described by “thought leaders” and experts in the field online? Let people see how hard it is, how long it can take, and how important seeing the failures are, while at the same time… Read more
Thoughts from a TDD kata mob
Test Driven Development has been on my mind lately. I’ve heard from time to time that some people don’t consider Test Driven Development to be a testing activity. Lisa Crispin recently said as much in a piece on modeling test automation, and it’s not obvious to me why it shouldn’t be seen that way. Coincidentally,… Read more
Playing Agile Testing Jenga
While at CAST last summer, one of my goals was to get ideas about how to get non-testers more interested in testing early. One woman (I think her name was Mel or Meg) suggested Agile Testing Jenga as an activity she often ran with teams that might help. There are a lot of posts online… Read more
The most important and most useless response to every question about testing
This is a pet peeve of mine that I see it happening almost every day in the various online test communities that I follow. These communities are great for sharing knowledge and learning from our peers. So, people regularly ask questions to draw on that wealth of collective experience: “How do I…” “Does anybody have… Read more
Zendo and the art of testing
Controversial opinion: I don’t like The Dice Game. The good news: I have a much better alternative that brings a very similar challenge in a less adversarial package. The basic game The concept of the game is basically the same as The Dice Game. One person has a rule known only to them and the… Read more