I’ve been thinking about the concept of “velocity” in software development the last few days, in response to a couple cases recently where I’ve seen people express dislike for it. I can understand why, and the more I think about it the more I think that the concept does more harm than good.
When I was first introduced to the concept it was with the analogy of running a race. To win, a runner wants to increase their velocity, running the same distance in a shorter amount of time. Even though the distance is the same each time they run the race, with practice the runner can complete it faster and faster.
The distance run, in the software development analogy, is the feature completed. In Scrum, velocity is the measure how many story points a team completes in a sprint. Individual pieces of work are sized by their “complexity”, so with practice, a team should be able to increase their velocity by finishing work of a given complexity in less time. I have trouble with this first because story points are problematic at best, so any velocity you try to calculate will be easily manipulated. Since I’ve gotten into trouble with the Scrum word police before, I’m going to put that aside for a moment and say that the units you use don’t matter for what I’m talking about.
It should be fair to say that increasing velocity as Scrum defines it is about being able to do more complex work within a sprint without actually doing more work (more time, more effort), because the team gets better at doing that work. (This works both for a larger amount of a fixed complexity of work, or a sprint’s worth of work that is more complex than could have been done in previous sprints.) Without worry about some nebulous “points”, the concept is still about being do more than you could before in a fixed amount of time.
But that’s not what people actually hear when you say we need to “increase velocity”.
Rather, it feels like being asked to do the work faster and faster. Put the feature factory at full steam! You need to work faster, you need to get more done, you need to be able to finish any feature in less than two weeks. Asking how you can increase velocity doesn’t ask “how can we make this work easier?” It asks, “why is this taking so long?” It feels like a judgement, and so we react negatively to it.
While it certainly does make sense to try to make repeated work easier with each iteration, I don’t think that should be the goal of a team. The point of being agile as I’ve come to understand it (and I’ll go with a small “a” here again to avoid the language police) is to be flexible to change by encouraging shorter feedback cycles, which itself is only possible by delivering incrementally to customers earlier than if we worked in large process-heavy single-delivery projects.
Building working-ish versions of a widget and delivering incremental improvements more often might take longer to get to the finished widget, but with the constant corrections along the way the end result should actually be better than it otherwise would have been. And, of course, if the earlier iterations can meet some level of the customer’s need, then they starting getting value far sooner in the process as well. The complexity of the widget doesn’t change, but I’d be happy to take the lower velocity for a higher quality product.
I’m bringing it back to smaller increments and getting feedback because one of the conversations that led to this thinking was about whether putting our products in front of users sooner was the same as asking for increased velocity. Specifically, I said “If you aren’t putting your designs in front of users, you’re wasting your time.” In a sense, I am asking for something to be faster, and going faster means velocity, so these concepts get conflated.
The “velocity” I care about isn’t the number of points done in a given time frame (or number of stories, or number of any kind of deliverable.) What I care about is, how many feedback points did I get in that time? How many times did we check our assumptions? How sure are we that the work we’ve been doing is actually going to provide the value needed? Maybe “feedback frequency” is what we should be talking about.

And this is generously assuming you have a good idea of what needs to be built in the first place.
Importantly, I’m not necessarily talking about getting feedback on a completed (or prototype) feature delivered to production. Much like I argued that you can demo things that aren’t done, there is information to be gained at every stage of development, from initial idea through design to prototypes and final polish. I’ve always been an information junkie, so I see any information about the outside world, be it anecdotal oddities to huge statistical models of tracking behaviours in your app. Even just making observations about the world, learning about your intended users’ needs before you know what to offer them, all feeds into this category. Too often this happens only once at the outset. A second time when all else is said and done if you’re lucky. I’m not well versed in the design and user experience side of thing yet, but I wager even the big picture, blue-sky, big steps and exploration we might want to do can still be checked against the outside world more often than most people think.
Much like “agile” and “automation“, the word “velocity” itself has become a distraction. People associate it with the sense of wanting to do the same thing faster and faster. What I actually want is to do things in smaller chunks, more often. Higher frequency adjustments to remain agile and build better products, not just rushing for the finish line.
Lene Rødmyr
@ November 19, 2018, 09:28I’ve never heard of a goal of increasing the velocity of a team, to be honest.
The point of knowing the velocity of a team is the ability to predict (approx) how much work we may be able to do within a specific time span (sprint), isn’t it?
If the velocity is supposed to increase, should we then plan with more features than last time, according to this theory?
Also; changing the team will normally decrease the velocity, i.e. removing a resource will make the team having to change how they work, and adding a resource will normally require some training of the newcomer, which will make other team members less productive.
Gregory Paciga
@ November 20, 2018, 20:15If you can improve the way you work, and all features are the same complexity, then yeah the theory goes that as time goes on you should be able to do more features in a sprint. Maybe not one sprint to the next, but over time.
You’re certainly right that other factors will mess that up. But probably you’ve added a new person, to take up that example, because the temporary decrease in velocity while they’re getting trained is worth the eventual increase in velocity you get once they’re up to speed. You could frame most changes you make that way. Getting time to address technical debt, as another example, can be justified by saying “hey look at how our velocity is going down because the code is getting harder to work with.”
Though I’m sticking with “could”, not “should”. It’s a popular way to frame it, in my experience, that’s all.